ST. LOUIS, MO – August 28, 2017 – We are pleased to announce the selection of the 2017 National Lutheran School (NLSA) School Shepherd, Pastor Peter A. Schmidt, who serves at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church and School in Waukesha, Wisconsin.
The Lutheran School Shepherd Award was established by NLSA to honor a faithful pastor who provides outstanding encouragement, support and service to his school. Candidates who were considered for this prestigious award understand and articulate a clear philosophy of Lutheran education. The candidates provide spiritual encouragement, guidance and support for the schools they serve. They engage in many school activities and work well with the school governing body and/or parental advisory associations. Every pastor nominated is viewed as a champion for his school. Additionally, this process allows NLSA to identify and share the specific practices and tangible means of support that impact the school in many positive ways.
Pastor Schmidt was nominated by the NLSA visiting team at the time of Beautiful Savior’s NLSA site visit in Spring, 2017. After his nomination was endorsed by the South Wisconsin district officials, a committee of well-respected pastors selected Pastor Schmidt from the individuals nominated for the award.
When answering the question “Why do you love your school?” Pastor Schmidt replied, “It is because of the joy of daily seeing the Holy Spirit work in a setting where Jesus is unashamedly welcomed and worshiped, and His love is modeled by teachers, staff, volunteers and students. For me, any education without quality instruction in the Word of God is an incomplete education.”

Pastor Schmidt went on to say, “While at a conference over 20 years ago, I heard former Nebraska District President, Eldor Meyer, make the comment to pastors, ‘A good shepherd smells like his sheep.’ I have had the joy and privilege of serving in a pasture that includes a Lutheran grade school with many sheep that are not necessarily members of our congregation, but are still a part of the Beautiful Savior family. I am very thankful for the privilege of being able to share Jesus and His love through teaching His Word and, by God’s grace, exemplifying what it means to follow Christ.”
Pastor Schmidt has faithfully served at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church and School since 1995. His leadership exemplifies the traits of a faithful school shepherd. NLSA is pleased to recognize his service and contributions to Lutheran education with the 2017 NLSA School Shepherd Award.